Friday, May 12, 2006

Websites for Writers

Perspectives Magazine - This is a new magazine for imaginative writers. Give inanimate objects human qualities. Sounds interesting! Check it out.
Generator for writing ideas - Here you'll find tools for writers, gamers, and artists; randomly assembling names, storylines, characters, what-ifs, concepts, and more for when you need inspiration, or just a bit of amusement. Love this one.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Internet Tools

ClustrMaps - This tallies the number and locations of all the visitors to your website. This is mine.
Locations of visitors to this page

Link Popularity - Find the total number of pages that include a link to your site. Determine what search engine has your website.
Web Page Analyzer - Check your sites tags, content, keywords, load time, and all the urls on the web page.
Market Leap - Would you like to know how popular your website is? Check it at this website.
Fagan Finder - This is the ultimate internet help with too many features to mention. Give it a try.
Google cheatsheet - Quite extensive.
Elder Geek - Need some tips and shortcuts to improve your Windows XP? Click on the index at the top of the page and make your 'computing life' easier.
Choose a search engine - Not sure which engine to choose? Definitely look here.
Which engine - Do you need a factual answer? Compared results? Visual representation? Sounds? Peoples' opinions?

Friday, May 05, 2006

Search Engines

Whonu - This has loads of goodies on it...can't explain. Check it out.
Livesearch - This only works with 1.5+ Firefox browser. Gives you live sugesstions. Try it and see what I mean!
Exalead - Wow! This engine has so many awesome features...the home page has a place to put your favorites...results are clustered in a side bar with related terms and categories, website location, and document language and don't even have to leave the page because it has thumbnails of the sites and more. Definitely check it out!
Lexxe - Works best with a question format: Where is the largest library? Gives great results and search terms are clustered in a sidebar.
Factbites - Factbites searches for matches on the basis of your whole topic area, not just your keyword.
Exefind - This engine will search for freeware and shareware. Results have related terms at the bottom of the page.
1on1 - This is packed with goodies. Enter your search term and see what happens.
SearchLores - This is jam-packed with search engines, tutorials, and more.