Thursday, May 11, 2006

Internet Tools

ClustrMaps - This tallies the number and locations of all the visitors to your website. This is mine.
Locations of visitors to this page

Link Popularity - Find the total number of pages that include a link to your site. Determine what search engine has your website.
Web Page Analyzer - Check your sites tags, content, keywords, load time, and all the urls on the web page.
Market Leap - Would you like to know how popular your website is? Check it at this website.
Fagan Finder - This is the ultimate internet help with too many features to mention. Give it a try.
Google cheatsheet - Quite extensive.
Elder Geek - Need some tips and shortcuts to improve your Windows XP? Click on the index at the top of the page and make your 'computing life' easier.
Choose a search engine - Not sure which engine to choose? Definitely look here.
Which engine - Do you need a factual answer? Compared results? Visual representation? Sounds? Peoples' opinions?


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